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Private LG/OCT2008/BEL311 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES BEL311 OCTOBER 2008 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. 2. This inquiry paper comprises of two (2) sections : PART A (13 Questions) PART B (1 Question) Answer ALL inquiries from all parts in the Question Paper. We will compose a custom exposition test on Model Exam Paper or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now 3. Fill in the subtleties underneath : UiTM STUDENT CARD NO. Program/CODE PART ENGLISH LANGUAGE GROUP NAME OF LECTURER 4. 5. You are permitted to get your English-English word reference. It would be ideal if you check to ensure that this assessment pack comprises of: I) the Question Paper DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This assessment paper comprises of 13 printed pages  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL 2 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 PART A: READING COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Read the accompanying articles and answer all the inquiries that follow. Article 1 †Spare the Rod? I Schools in Europe and the United Kingdom quit utilizing the stick to train reprobate youths following fights from guardians and lawmakers over 16 years back. In Malaysia, in any case, the training has never left the school grounds. Caning has consistently been lawful in Malaysian schools. The Education Ordinance 1957 (Amended 1959) permits floggings, for example, caning, to be allotted by school specialists, yet just to students. An Education Ministry mandate gave in 1994 recorded eight offenses that could warrant caning: truancy, association in crimes, foul and rude conduct, dillydallying, untrustworthiness, grimy appearance and vandalism. 5 II A test on human rights mindfulness among auxiliary teachers, understudies and directors led by analysts from nearby colleges connected with by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (or SUHAKAM, its Malay abbreviation) uncovered the customary utilization of the stick in schools. What the request discovered was a gross break of a child’s rights submitted by educators and directors the same. In their discoveries, out of the 5,754 understudies who took an interest in the overview, around 52 percent of the understudies reviewed concurred that caning usually occurred in their schools. It occurred more regularly in provincial schools than urban ones and just about 80 percent of the cases happened at specialized schools. 10 15 III Understandably, SUHAKAM is unsettled by the discoveries of its examination. Magistrate and instruction working gathering executive, Professor Chiam Heng Keng said that while SUHAKAM comprehends the need to teach and rebuff transgressors, it keeps up that caning isn't the best remedial measure. She further included that caning just advises the kid to stop whatever he has done. At the end of the day, it doesn't address the hidden issue. She focused on that educators must work with guardians to get to the foundation of the issue. She added that cruel disciplines will in general fortify a child’s negative perspectives. In any case, 20 25  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL 3 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 she advised that we ought not befuddle maintaining the privileges of the kid with reveling the kid. IV Although numerous specialists contend that caning is obsolete, even crude, numerous instructors protected it as an approach to stem rising viciousness in schools. 80% of educators concurred that industrious troublemakers in school ought to be caned. The SUHAKAM test found that 79. 5 percent of educators and 71. percent of overseers concurred that tireless wrongdoers ought to be caned however Malaysia had marked the Declaration of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1995. What's more, they additionally uncovered that young ladies were not saved the bar. Right around seven percent of female respondents from young lady schools had revealed this. Under the current Child Act 2001, just young men between the ages of 10 and 18 might be exposed to whipping. 30 35 V Last October, the Ministry of Education permitted instructors other than 40 superintendents, chiefs and those associated with teaching understudies to utilize the stick. The choice followed the ascent in instances of attack on educators and gangsterism in schools. It was suggested that solitary certain educators be enabled to stick understudies. Preferably, they ought to have in any event 10 years of showing encounter and be hitched with youngsters. 45 VI The secretary-general of the National Union of the Teaching Profession, Lok Yim Pheng, conceded that there are different methods of restraining an understudy. These incorporate monumental fines, sending understudies to confinement class and making guardians sign a promise to guarantee that their youngsters don't get rowdy. Notwithstanding, all things considered, at that point administrators and directors should utilize the pole expertly and with sympathy. She emphasized that all things being equal, caning ought to be the punishment after all other options have run out, saved for outright bad-to-the-bone cases and ought to never be done freely. 50 The Star, July 15, 2007  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL 4 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 QUESTION 1 State whether the accompanying explanations are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). a) Caning troublemakers in school is viewed as a type of abuse by most educators. In the study did by SUHAKAM, the two young men and young ladies were caned. With regards to caning, the Education Ordinance 1957 plainly repudiates the Child Act 2001. The greater part of the respondents in the overview had been caned by their educators previously. (2 imprints) QUESTION 2 What do the accompanying words mean as utilized in the entry? a) ‘breach’ (line 14) b) ‘disheartened’ (line 20) c) ‘underlying’ (line 25) d) ‘stem'(line 31) ___ _ (2 imprints) QUESTION 3 Circle your response for the inquiry beneath. As indicated by educators, coming up next are reasons they bolster caning in schools aside from a) Students who over and over reason inconvenience ought to be caned. b) Caning is one approach to forestall savagery in schools. ) Caning diminishes ambush cases and gangsterism in schools. d) Caning has the least negative impact on understudies. (1 imprint) b) c) d)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL 5 LG/OCT 2008/BEL311 QUESTION 4 Why is caning not the best remedial measure as per SUHA KAM? Give two (2) reasons. (1 imprint) QUESTION 5 According to Professor Chiam Heng Keng, what is the most ideal approach to beaten control issues in schools? (1 imprint) QUESTION 6 What is the primary thought of passage VI? (1 imprint)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi IMARA CONFIDENTIAL 6 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 QUESTION 7 According to the secretary-general of the National Union of the Teaching Profession, just â€Å"if all things considered comes to push, at that point educators and directors should utilize the bar expertly and with compassion† (lines 49-51). Under what conditions did she suggest this? Rundown two (2) conditions. (2 imprints)  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL 7 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 Article 2 †Caning Does More Harm Than Good I The Women’s Center for Change Penang (WCC) notes with extraordinary concern the ongoing proposition to stretch out caning as a strategy to deal with discipline issues including students. We alert against the utilization of the stick on kids paying little heed to sexual orientation. II The caning of a kid is in direct negation of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (CRC), of which Malaysia is a signatory. Caning contradicts Article 19 of the CRC. Under the article, the legislatures must shield the kid from all types of abuse by guardians or others answerable for their consideration. Besides, beating is a type of kid misuse. There is no proof to propose that this strategy can improve a child’s learning capacity. 5 10 III Caning may not be the best method to manage issues of indiscipline. While it might realize the quick consistence of the kid, the issues of physical mischief just as passionate harm to the youngster should be thought about. Flogging can prompt expanded solitary conduct, animosity and constant disobedience. Besides, causing extreme discipline and utilizing mental embarrassment on kids have unfriendly impacts, for example, loss of selfesteem and character changes with implications on grown-up life. The utilization of the stick can be manhandled, particularly when disappointments are vented. Notwithstanding, instructors who are tired of the rising instances of indiscipline in schools may state caning is legitimized. 0 15 IV The social outcome of caning is that it sends a reasonable message that brutality is a satisfactory type of conduct in the public arena, that is, it is OK to utilize viciousness and incur torment to show a youngster something. This conflicts with all endeavors to diminish the degree of savagery in our general public. V Caning may appe ar to be a convenient solution answer for rowdiness, yet it neglects to address the underlying drivers of the issue. The causes include a failure to fit into an unbending, assessment orientated instruction framework, the negative impacts of 25  © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL 8 LG/OCT2008/BEL311 overty, the need to challenge limits, deficient direction from the home, broken family circumstances, negative impacts from the local condition, among others. 30 VI WCC would in this way encourage the Ministry of Education to: 1. Work with different offices and local gatherings, for instance those managing the wellbeing, government assistance and privileges of the youngster, to offer help where required, to the two understudies and school specialists; 2. Talk with specialists in different fields to work out elective types of order which incorporate conduct adjustment programs that help improve positive conduct of understudies; 5 3. Bolster teachers by decreasing the quan tity of understudies per class, having educator associates, giving aptitudes preparing in class control and taking care of troublesome understudies, having air conditioning