Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why I Was The Only Person Who Was Ready - 1228 Words

My thirteen-year-old mind could not handle waiting idly in an uncomfortable, wooden chair. By that time, my powdered makeup had turned into beads of liquid. â€Å"Can we please leave,† I yelled â€Å"we’re going to be late!† In response to no response, I stood up from my chair and marched into my cousin’s room. I was startled as I walked in on one of the most frantic scenes I had ever witnessed. There were clothes sprawled on the floor, makeup powder on the dresser and jewelry on the bed. My cousins and aunts were running around the room; some were getting ready, some were arguing and some were talking on the phone. The mixture of heat and expensive perfume was asphyxiating. â€Å"We’re going to miss the trip tia !† I failed to understand why I was the only person who was ready. We had all been aware of our reservations for the party boat in Old San Juan for almost a week. â€Å"We’re almost ready Val, go start the car.† Her response was almost humorous because I knew she was nowhere near being ready. On her head, rested her shower cap and in the closet, hung her dress. Respectfully, I continued to follow her orders and accept our inevitable lateness. I was born in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on February,4th, 1999. Since that day, I have come to the conclusion that no one on the island is familiar with the concept of time. Puerto Ricans often jokingly regard reoccurring tardiness as a common quality. Along with their skewed view of time, they also seem to have an aversion to frugality. Unfortunately,Show MoreRelatedNarrative Essay1068 Words   |  5 Pagessocieties both present and in antiquity have considered it a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment. 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